Whitestone Infant School
Afterschool Clubs
Bookings via parent pay or contact school office for more information. For Whitestone pupils only.
Dodgeball Club
Tuesday 9th April, Tuesday 16th April, Tuesday 23rd April, Tuesday 30th April, Tuesday 7th May, Tuesday 14th May and Tuesday 21st May.
Gymnastics/Dance Club
Wednesday 10th April, Wednesday 17th April, Wednesday 24th April, Wednesday 1st May, Wednesday 8th May, Wednesday 15th May and Wednesday 22nd May.
Basketball/Netball Club
Thursday 11th April, Thursday 18th April, Thursday 25th April, Thursday 2nd May, Thursday 9th May, Thursday 16th May and Thursday 23rd May.
Football Club
Friday 12th April, Fridayy 19th April, Friday 26th April, Friday 3rd May, Friday 10th May, Friday 17th May and Friday 24th May.